ENT-004 | "Siren"

ADF-SR: 4542-CL

Anomaly Type(s): HaS, Hyp

Cases: 0016

ENT-004 is a humanoid creature with a dream-like face- in the sense that it feels vaguely familiar, but you can't discern any of its features. The entity inhabits a small lake in rural Oregon, only every approaching the shore when a person enters the water. In terms of behaviors, ENT-004 is best described as a Siren; when something (human or animal) approaches the lake, the entity will sing a hypnotizing song, sounding equally as surreal as its face appears. Anything within earshot of the song will be enticed to move into the lake, and the effect only grows stronger as they near ENT-004. If an individual reaches the Siren, it will attempt to drown them.*

The primary issue with ENT-004 is that any recordings of its song retain their hypnotizing properties, regardless of how distant the listener is from the lake. Because of this, the audio log from Case 0016 had to be deleted for our researcher's saftey. Additionally, the entity can "infect" any document containing an image of its face. Anyone who looks directly at the photograph will begin to hear the Siren's song, with prolonged eye-contact worsening the pull. The only difference between the "true" and "documented" songs is that, when influenced by a documentation of ENT-004, a person will want to take the recording/image with them to the entity's lake.

*This behavior was observed when we noticed coyote following ENT-004's call; No researcher was lost during Case 0016.

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