Case 0012 - System & Audio Log Agent(s): Harry Curtis, Micheal Ford Location: Foot Hills State Forest. Backus, Minnesota, USA 12/29/1995 Briefing: During Case 0011, we noticed our compasses kept pointing in the wrong derection. As this was not the reported behavior of the supposed anomaly in Case 0011, we've decided to file this investigation separately. --------LOG BEGIN-------- 14:12 |Noise: Car driving| Almost there. Ready for round two? You bet. Think it'll be another fluke? Unless someone put a giant magnet out there, this has to be real. You saw how f****d up our compasses got, right? Yeah yeah, but they could've just broken. At the same time? I don't think so. I'm just saying, maybe don't get your hopes up. This is our 12th case and we've only found three things- that's not good odds. Eh, whatever. I still think we've got something here. 14:13 We're here. You ready? |Noise: Car stops| |Noise: Car door opens (x2)| |Noise: Wind| |Noise: Various wildlife| |Noise: Car door shuts (x2)| |System.Input: Monitor| > AWAITING INPUT... |System.Input: Direction| > CONFIRM? |System.Input: y| > STAND BY... 14:14 > LIVE MONITOR >> DIRECTION: 15° >> DIRECTION: 2° Should be this way. |Noise: Footsteps (x2)| >> DIRECTION: 0° >> DIRECTION: 1° 14:15 >> DIRECTION: 0° >> DIRECTION: 358° >> DIRECTION: 359° >> DIRECTION: 2° 14:16 >> DIRECTION: 0° >> DIRECTION: 5° >> DIRECTION: 15° |Noise: Footsteps stop (x1)| Wait, stop. Come look at this. |Noise: Footsteps stop| >> DIRECTION: 17° It drifted. Huh. You think we should follow its north or our north? Eh, we might get off course trying to stay straight, let's just see were this goes. 14:17 Fine by me. Let's go. >> DIRECTION: 10° >> DIRECTION: 3° This way. |Noise: Footsteps (x2)| >> DIRECTION: 1° >> DIRECTION: 6° 14:18 >> DIRECTION: 4° >> DIRECTION: 8° Yeah, no, it keeps drifting east. Something's definitely up. >> DIRECTION: 2° >> DIRECTION: 9° 14:19 >> DIRECTION: 3° >> DIRECTION: 2° >> DIRECTION: 1° I think its slowing down. That's uh... Well that's hopefully good. Yeah, "hopefully." >> DIRECTION: 4° 14:20 I mean, what's the worst this could be? A magnetic tree? Look, if a rock that insults you is real, this could be anything. God, I still can't get over that. >> DIRECTION: 0° >> DIRECTION: 359° >> DIRECTION: 1° Looks like we're headed "north" again. Not really moving a whole lot. >> DIRECTION: 0° 14:21 >> DIRECTION: 359° Stop. |Noise: Footsteps stop (x2)| What? Why? Over there. You see it? >> DIRECTION: 1° No? What am I looking for? Behind that tree, I swear I saw something back there. And what'd you see? >> DIRECTION: 1° I didn't get a good look, but it's like it had a tree for a head. Oh, fun. So I guess we have to check that out now. |Noise: Footsteps (x2)| >> DIRECTION: 3° 14:22 >> DIRECTION: 22° |Noise: Branch snaps| |Noise: Footsteps stop (x2)| {Loudly} AH! {Normal} Oh, thank god. It's a buck. Wait, so you're telling me you though that was an ENT? [Snickering] "Oh, what is this odd creature? So scary! With a tree-head, too!" Oh, that's good. We don't have to talk about this. >> DIRECTION: 22° You're right, let's save this for when we check the logs with the whole crew. What SR would you give a deer anyway? Please stop. Like, 1131-L? >> DIRECTION: 22° >> DIRECTION: 22° So, uh... We should be headed this way. Lead the way. |Noise: Footsteps (x2)| 14:21 >> DIRECTION: 1° >> DIRECTION: 365° |Noise: Silence| > ERROR: >> DISK READ ERROR >> [1] REBOOT >> [2] DIAGNOSTICS >> [3] POWER OFF |System.Input: 2| > STAND BY... > DISK READ ERROR: MISSING OR INVALID DATA > POSSIBLE CAUSE: ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE > RECCOMENDED: REMOVE SOURCE OF INTERFERENCE AND REBOOT >> [1] REBOOT >> [2] DIAGNOSTICS >> [3] POWER OFF |System.Input: 1| > SYSTEM REBOOTING... Anomaly Detection Assistant (1994) | Version 1.03 Property of the Anomaly Detection Federation > ENTER PASSKEY |System.Input: [REDACTED]| > ACCESS GRANTED > ONE (1) LOG IN PROGRESS. CONTINUE LOG? |System.Input: y| > STAND BY... > CONTINUING LOG 14:27* |Noise: Wind| |Noise: Various wildlife| So we're good now? Should be. Okay, so how about you stay here with the log, I'll keep going towards whatever this thing is. If you hear a scream, f**k the log and come after me. Yeah, sounds good. I mean, I'll call anyway, just to see how long that lasts. Eh, may as well. |Noise: Footsteps (Fading out)| 14:28* {Loudly} Watch out for deer! {Distant} F**k you, too! |System.Input: Call Ford| > CALLING MICHEAL FORD... You hear me alright? Crystal clear. 14:29* {Muffled} So this- Air we- Logs last tie- And I think this is where we lose the call, too. {Muffled} Off- Ear- King uh- > SIGNAL LOST > REDIAL? |System.Input: n| > CANCELLED [Sigh] {Quietly} Just you and me now, logs. --------Omitted: No new data from 14:30* to 14:48*-------- 14:49* {Quietly} Is that him? Yeah, no, that's him. {Loudly} So what'd you find? {Distant} I found a bottle! |Noise: Footsteps (Fading in)| {Loudly} A- A bottle? {Distant} Yeah, and it's super magnetic! {Loudly} Seriously? |Noise: Footsteps stop| Well, it ripped my ADA clean off, for one. |System.Input: 4 1| > "HEY ADA" RECOGNIZED. SPEECH ENABLED. > ERROR: INVALID INPUT Thanks, ADA. > SPEECH DISABLED And for two, it hurts like hell to touch. Huh. Yeah, it's like- get this- getting struck by lightning. Ah. Lightning in a bottle. Naturally. So just get that thing to base and call it a day? How? We can't touch it, and if it can shut down our devices fifteen minutes out, how do you think the car's gonna react? Well... Huh. Should we just say it's "externally contained" and call it a day? For now, that'll do. ---------LOG END--------- Log Commentary: *Time recovered after clock synchronization at base. 12/29/1995, 18:03 The so-called "lightning in a bottle" is now classified as ENT-003, showing strong EMD type behaviors. The entity has been given an SR of 2000-E, and we will begin trying to more appropriately contain the effects of ENT-003. 12/30/1995, 23:53 Upon further experimentation, the entity now has an SR of 2005-E. Note that having a level five containment rating only means that we don't know how to *fully* contain the entity. ENT-003 is classiffied as such because we have no idea how to remove or negate it's magnetic field- we've tried a faraday cage, other electromagnets, demagnetization through intense heat, and nothing seems to have any effect.