Case 0006 - System & Audio Log Agent(s): Jane Daniels, Micheal Ford [Later Recruit(s): Harry Curtis, Siobhan York] Location: Forest Fair Mall. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA 4/23/1995 Briefing: Client filed about seeing moving mannequins in the southeastern wing of the Forest Fair Mall. Likely either level 2 or level 3 sentience. No information regarding danger or aggression. Proceed with caution. --------LOG BEGIN-------- 21:41 |Noise: Car door opens| |Noise: Car door shuts| {Quietly} Why is it always somewhere abandoned? {Normal} So walking mannequins, huh? |Noise: Car window rolling| What? So walking mannequins, huh? Yeah, that's what the client said. Weird how they found that out, right? Like, this mall's been shut down for however long, and yet someone was in there to see them? Eh, some people stick there noses where they don't belong. Kinda sounds familiar, actually... Touche. Speaking of, I'm headed in. You're staying in the van? Yeah, someone's gotta watch our stuff. {Quietly} Coward. Hm? Nothing. Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just go in already. |Noise: Car window rolling| |Noise: Footsteps| |Noise: Footsteps stop| Wait. [Sigh] |Noise: Footsteps| 21:42 |Noise: Footsteps stop| |Noise: Knocking| |Noise: Car window rolling| Forgot the keys? Yep. [Snickering] |Noise: Quiet jingle| Take two! |Noise: Car window rolling| |Noise: Footsteps| 21:43 |Noise: Door opens| |Noise: Door closes| Hey ADA, info. |System.Input: Info| > "HEY ADA" RECOGNIZED. SPEECH ENABLED. > [1] GENERAL > [2] LOCATION > [3] ANOMALY > [4] CANCEL One. |System.Input: 1| > Client filed about seeing moving mannequins in the southeastern wing of the Forest Fair Mall. Likely either level 2 or level 3 sapience. No information regarding danger or aggression. Proceed with caution. End of briefing. Thank you. |System.Input: Thank you| > SPEECH DISABLED Southeast, got it. Oh, hey ADA? Volume zero. Thanks. |System.Input: Volume 0 Thanks| > "HEY ADA" RECOGNIZED. SPEECH ENABLED. > MUTED > SPEECH DISABLED --------Omitted: No new data from 21:44 to 21:46-------- 21:47 |Noise: Footsteps stop| Wow, that is... kind of terrifying! Oh, FYI to the log, I found a mannequin. It is not on a podium, unlike the rest. In fact, only one podium is empty, so you can only wonder where it came from. It appears to be in the middle of a step, the stride not long so I assume it was walking, not running. Its head is turned towards me, but the body is facing left. I’m going to make a guess and say it turned its head to the sound of me coming around the corner. It does have ears, after all, so it would make sense if it can hear. {Quietly} I have throwing knives, right? |Noise: Quiet rustling| |Noise: Rustling stops| {Quietly} Yep. That'll be nice; something ranged and quiet. |Noise: Plastic-like hit| |Noise: Thud| {Quietly} Wait, that easy? Oh right, uhh, for the log, I threw a knife at the thing, hit it right in the face, and then it just. Collapsed. Still in its ridged, mid-stride pose. I’m gonna test something real quick. |Noise: Click| |Noise: Click| 21:48 {Quietly} It didn’t move, must really be dead. Alrighty then, let’s get out of here. |Noise: Footsteps| |Noise: Footsteps end| |Noise: Quiet slip| {Quietly} I'd rather not leave that behind. I only have so many knives. |Noise: Footsteps| 21:49 |Noise: Quiet footsteps| |Noise: Footsteps stop (x1)| {Quietly} Great, there's another somewhere. I knew that was too easy. Of course, there’s more. I guess they did say "mannequins," not "mannequin." These things might hunt by sound, so I’m gonna shut up for a bit. |Noise: Footsteps| 21:59 |Noise: Thud| |Noise: Footsteps end (x2)| {Quietly} Found another. Startled me for a second there. It just tripped over the first one’s body. I guess they can’t see. Frozen in a pose that looks like it’s getting back up, more specifically, it’s on all fours with one knee still on the floor. I’ll just take care of this one real quick. |Noise: Footsteps| |Noise: Footsteps| |Noise: Loud thud| |Noise: Footsteps stop (x2)| |Noise: Footsteps| [Grunt] Jesus Christ! Ok, that's fun. So log, there was a third, and it just tackled me. It had the force of a quarterback, but now that it's frozen, it feels hollow. Couldn't be more than a couple pounds. This is weird. |Noise: Plastic-like hit| {Quietly} It should be dead. Now where's the other one? |Noise: Footsteps quicken| {Quietly} Oh no no no no no this isn’t good. Where are you? Where are you coming from? 22:00 |Noise: Footsteps stop| S**t! Oh god, okay. We're fine, this one tried to do the same thing. It's arms are out like it's reaching for me. Absolutely horrifying. |Noise: Footsteps| Wait, no! |Noise: Loud thud| |Noise: Footsteps stop| |Noise: Rustling| {Loudly} Agh! So, log, another came and got me from behind! Managed to get a bilndfold on me, too! Hey ADA, call Ford! |System.Input: Call Ford| > CALLING MICHEAL FORD... Jane, what’s going on? Everything alright out there? Jane? {Loudly} Hello? You there? Yeah, I’m here. Seriously, what’s happening? What is that sound? {Loudly} Wait, s**t! ADA, volume 10! |System.Input: Volume 10| > "HEY ADA" RECOGNIZED. SPEECH ENABLED. > VOLUME SET 10 {Loudly} Alright, now you there? Yeah, I’ve been here! What’s happening? The mannequins, they're extremely hostile, seem to hunt by sound, and despite seeming to be blind, they {...} 22:01 {Continued} {Loudly} know how to use a blindfold. There’s two on me right now. I can’t do anything but flail. Send help. A team would be best so these are constantly being seen. We don’t want them to move. Also, a knife to the face seems to kill them immediately. I’d take two, one alive one dead, back to base for research. Did you get all that? Yeah, sending a team now. Should arrive in about 15 to 20 minutes. Please, hang in there, and don’t die. Seriously, you're the best we’ve got. Will do. I’ll let you know if things go south. Unless it goes too south and I can’t let you know, you know? 22:03 22:04 |Noise: Rustling stops| |Noise: Heavy breathing| |Noise: Heavy breathing stops| Still on the line? Yeah, still here. So, these aren’t as hostile as I thought. Even though I’m pinned and blindfolded, they aren’t doing anything. Sure, they tackled me, but the mannequins just. Stopped. But I’m not taking this as good news. Think it’s waiting for something? Possibly. I’d stay alert if I were you. Don’t let your guard down. Didn’t plan on it. Any other advice? {Quietly} Something a bit less obvious? First of all, I heard that. Secondly, care to elaborate on what's happening? Like, how are you pinned? Do you hear any others nearby? I’m on my stomach. They've got my wrists and are kneeling on my legs. Basically, I'm fully disabled. Worth noting, it feels like a person has me pinned, except it feels like plastic on my wrists, not skin. And when I killed one, it sounded completely hollow hitting the ground and was fully ridged. Same thing for when one of them tackled me and I could still see it. It froze up and felt like a regular mannequin. 22:05 And for sounds? Not hearing any. It’s somehow relieving and worrying at the same time. Yeah, I bet. 22:06 22:07 |Noise: Footsteps| Oh no, is that another? Heard something? Footsteps. Oh, that's fun. |Noise: Footsteps| F**k, this can’t be good. They’re getting closer. How much time on the backup? Still about 10 minutes. You said they might hunt by sound? Maybe we should stay quiet for a bit? 22:08 |Noise: Footsteps end (x2)| |Noise: Loud rustling| {Loudly} Wait, no, no, no! What are you doing! Put me down! {Loudly} Jane? Jane, what’s going on? |Footsteps (x4)| 22:09 {Loudly} They've got each of my limbs! They're carrying me somewhere! {Quietly} Oh s**t oh s**t oh s**t.{Normal} Okay, Umm. Try. I don’t know. Uhh. Maybe if. |Noise: Door opens| |Noise: Door closes| |Noise: Footsteps end (x4)| They stopped? 22:10 |Noise: Footsteps| Oh no, not another. What now? |Noise: Thud| |Noise: Quiet wheeze| Jane? Jane, are you ok? |Noise: Thud| |Noise: Quiet wheeze| {Loudly} Jane! Jane, can you hear me? |Noise: Thud| {Loudly} Jane are you there? What's going on? |Noise: Loud thud| {Quietly} F**k. 22:11 |Noise: Footsteps (x5)| |Noise: Door opens| |Noise: Door closes| |Noise: Footsteps stop (x5)| --------Omitted: No new data from 22:12 to 22:17-------- 22:18 Jane, if you're still alive, York and Curtis just got here. They'll be with you soon. Hold on, please. --------Omitted: No new data from 22:18 to 22:24-------- 22:25 |Noise: Quite talking| |Noise: Door opens| |Noise: Footsteps (x2)| |Footsteps stop| {Loudly} Oh my god! {Normal} Uh, hey, Ford. We found her. Not looking good. I thought it wouldn't. I thought it wouldn't. > CALL ENDED Yeah, it looks like she was stabbed. No knife though, so that's a little worrying. Did you find someth... Oh. 22:26 22:27 Yeah, let's... We should go. You go ahead, I'll grab her log. Get back as soon as possible. And be careful, we don't need anything else going wrong. |Noise: Footsteps (x2)| ---------LOG END--------- Log Commentary: 4/24/1995, 15:20 Agent Jane Daniels was killed by the newly classified ENT-001, likely by some form of stabbing. As ENT-001 has been observed to use tools, it likely used a weapon, rather having anomalous destructive abilities. The entity has an SR of 3520-E with PA-II, Loc-I, and MaR-I type behaviors. It is possible, but not known, that ENT-001 also has HM type behaviors. The doors to the Forest Fair Mall have since been welded shut, and the ADF does not intend to reenter at any point. Rest in piece, Jane Daniels.